This captivating framed display features Kathleen Turner, the voice behind the unforgettable Jessica Rabbit, from the groundbreaking animated classic Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Released in 1988, this film was a revolutionary blend of live-action and animation, breaking new ground in cinematic storytelling. Turner’s sultry and iconic portrayal of Jessica Rabbit, the femme fatale who famously declared, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way," became a legendary performance in the world of animation and film.
This framed display is a must-have for animation enthusiasts and collectors of Hollywood memorabilia. It highlights Turner’s pivotal role in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a film that remains a beloved favorite for its innovative visual effects, memorable characters, and witty humor. Jessica Rabbit, with her striking red dress, seductive voice, and heart of gold, became one of the most iconic animated characters in film history, making this display a true collector’s item.
Professionally matted and framed, this collectible is perfect for display in a home theater, office, or personal collection. Its sleek design ensures it will stand out as a centerpiece, while its historical significance as part of a cinematic masterpiece makes it highly desirable. Whether you're a fan of Kathleen Turner's work, a lover of animated classics, or a collector of unique film memorabilia, this framed display is a timeless tribute to one of the most iconic animated performances in movie history. A fantastic gift for movie buffs and animation fans alike.
This captivating framed display features Kathleen Turner, the voice behind the unforgettable Jessica Rabbit, from the groundbreaking animated classic Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Released in 1988, this film was a revolutionary blend of live-action and animation, breaking new ground in cinematic storytelling. Turner’s sultry and iconic portrayal of Jessica Rabbit, the femme fatale who famously declared, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way," became a legendary performance in the world of animation and film.
This framed display is a must-have for animation enthusiasts and collectors of Hollywood memorabilia. It highlights Turner’s pivotal role in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a film that remains a beloved favorite for its innovative visual effects, memorable characters, and witty humor. Jessica Rabbit, with her striking red dress, seductive voice, and heart of gold, became one of the most iconic animated characters in film history, making this display a true collector’s item.
Professionally matted and framed, this collectible is perfect for display in a home theater, office, or personal collection. Its sleek design ensures it will stand out as a centerpiece, while its historical significance as part of a cinematic masterpiece makes it highly desirable. Whether you're a fan of Kathleen Turner's work, a lover of animated classics, or a collector of unique film memorabilia, this framed display is a timeless tribute to one of the most iconic animated performances in movie history. A fantastic gift for movie buffs and animation fans alike.